How Often Does A Heat Pump Need To Be Replaced?


During the winter, you rely on your heat pump to keep your home warm and comfortable. It is a good idea to evaluate your heat pump to see if it will withstand another winter before the weather becomes too cold.

If you are seeking heat pump repair in Battle Ground, WA, contact Advantage Heating & Cooling without delay.

Do Heat Pumps Need To Be Replaced Regularly?

Heat pumps have an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years, but as your heat pump ages, they become less efficient. Usually, you should replace your heat pump after 15 years with a more energy-efficient system, such as one with a high energy star rating, or when any of the following warning signs appear:


Warning Signs That You Need To Replace Your Heat Pump System

  • Your heat pump requires frequent and expensive repairs.

If your heat pump’s efficiency is rapidly falling, necessitating numerous repairs, you’re continually changing parts, or the same problems keep cropping up, it’s time to replace your system. It may make more sense to buy a new unit and pay the short-term cost than to continue paying for frequent and expensive repairs.

  • High monthly expenses

Heat pumps are the incredibly efficient and cost-effective home heating and cooling systems. However, as a heat pump ages, it becomes less effective and less capable of keeping your house insulated at the price you’ve come to expect.

If your monthly bills begin to rise for no reason, it could be a warning sign that your heat pump is reaching the end of its useful life. The more a heat pump ages, the more wear and tear it experiences. That gradually reduces their efficiency, causing them to work overtime to compensate. Longer operational times result in higher monthly bills.

  • Short cycling

When the thermostat is set, your system should switch on and off when your home reaches the appropriate temperature. If your system continues going on and off or running continuously, it is a warning sign that you may need to replace it. Your unit could be too small, or your thermostat could be broken. If you require assistance with your system, contact us for heat pump repair in Battle Ground, WA, immediately.

  • Heating inconsistency

Heat pumps should provide a consistent level of comfort throughout your home. If some rooms appear to be hotter than others, your system isn’t working correctly. It may be better to invest in a replacement for stable and consistent heating levels.

  • Your system is making strange noises.

When strange noises become loud and frequent, you may be in trouble. You should consult our professional furnace repair in Woodland, WA, to determine whether your equipment is repairable or if a replacement is a better alternative.

If you notice any of these signs or need professional assistance in selecting a new heat pump for your house, contact Advantage Heating & Cooling knowledgeable technicians for advice to make an appointment for furnace repair in Woodland, WA, call or email us online today! 

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